Pinned“Why I write Poetries”?: A journey through the healing power of Poetry.I just love writing poetries, It's my life and my passion. I used to mold words, According to my fashion. Joining the sentences repeatedly…Aug 6Aug 6
Pinned“Lord’s Guide”: Trust in Faith, Pursue your Dreams.We got a limited time to survive, Only a limited time to be alive. Thus understand this misery of human life, And in the hearts, remain…Aug 6Aug 6
Pinned“Suicidal Thoughts” : The Beautiful story of tomorrow can never be written, if you end your life…A restless sigh will escape, from within the chest, At that moment, I’ll leave everything,& dive into the sea of death.Aug 11Aug 11
Pinned“Don’t Give Up” : Have faith in this world’s strongest phrase.Don’t ever dare to Give up, From you all it’s my deep request. Work with full concentration to achieve the goal, In which you have…Aug 1Aug 1
PinnedHow Life Started on Earth? : Let’s explore the history of our beautiful planet in a poetic way.At the very beginning, energies swirled, Gathering forces to shape the world. Subatomic particles danced in the night, Forming atoms, tiny…Aug 3Aug 3
"From Bean to Bliss" : The Sweet Journey of Chocolate.In ancient lands of warmth and sun, Where lush cacao vines had begun, The Mayans found a secret sweet, In cocoa beans, a bitter treat.Oct 29Oct 29
"The Shattering of Dawn" : When love fades into silence, the heart learns to hold both the beauty…There was a dawn once, tender and bright, Where your laughter danced in the morning light. We wove dreams like thread in the sky, Promised…Oct 21Oct 21
"Waves of the Tide" : A love story written in the winds, where two souls find harmony beneath the…In a town where the sea kissed the shore, There lived two souls, who’d never met before. She danced with the stars, soft and free, He…Oct 21Oct 21
"The Pizza Journey" : From Ancient Flatbreads to Global Delight.In ancient times, in ovens stone, A simple flatbread stood alone. In Greece, they topped it with some spice, A drizzle of oil—oh, so nice…Oct 15Oct 15
"The Sweet Journey of Ice-Cream" : From Snowy Peaks to Creamy Dreams.Long ago, in ancient days, When kings and queens sought summer's haze, A frozen treat began its start, A blend of nature and royal art. Oct 15Oct 15